Friday, May 31, 2019

Florida Panther Essay -- Florida Panther Restoration

As the deer fed at the marshs edge, its tail flickering as it nibbled tender and ripe green growth. Then the nervous beast pauses in its feeding and lifted its head to listen. Whatever hint of danger the deer had sensed was ignored erst the threat could not be located. It stamped a forefoot, lowered its head and began to eat once more, this deer had failed to detect a Florida panther that was downwind (going into the wind) crouched low in the undergrowth. Amber eyes however, estimated the distance betwixt himself and the deer. Then at the right moment attacked the deer, with bounds at over twenty feet at a time the panther exploded out of the underbrush pouncing on the deer and forcing it to the ground. Within fifteen seconds that panther stood breathing heavily over his unfortunate victim of life and death. This scene has been going on for many an(prenominal) years, the battle of predator and prey, but know the new predators are humans almost virtually wiping out the entir e population leaving only an estimated 30 - 50 Florida panthers left.Should the environmental leaders of Florida protect the Florida panther? The people of Florida think so, and that is why they named it their state animal. This panther is one of about thirty subspecies of genus Felis concolor. The subspecies, coryi is one of the rarest and most endangered animals in the world. Panthers, also called pumas, cougars, screamers, and mountain lions, once ranged from the southern end of South America into Canada. In appearance the Florida panther is connatural to other panthers, however this rare subspecies has several distinct characteristics such as, white flecks on the shoulders, a cowlick on the back (a cowlick is a tuft of copper that cannot easily be flattened) and a crook in the tail. This is formed by the last three bones in the tail, that is bent forming the stump on the end. Panthers fork over an average length of six to nine feet from the nose to the tip of tail, st and up to twenty-eight inches in height, and weigh from fifty to one hundred-thirty pounds. These panthers are lonely(a) and territorial animals and seldomly live together except for mating season. Following an approximate 90 day gestation period the females are more sedentary once the usual two to three kittens are born, but more than one kitten rarely survives and that is another reason for the low panther count. Flor... ...eestablish this subspecies old and free range areas. These goals were assisted in 1983 when the Florida Legislature established the Florida Panther Technical Advisory Council. The commission is firmly committed to take all necessary actions within their given authority to assure recovery for the Florida panther. The panthers are still going to need broad public support and active cooperation among all management. Civilization is the chief(prenominal) threat to the survival of the Florida panther, and so it will be until we learn how to respe ct these species that occupied the land we take before us. A land that was not ours to take and land we truly do need as bad for survival as these creatures. Works Cited1. Alden, Peter, Rich Cech, and Gil Nelson. 1998. National Audubon Society Field rent to Florida. New York Knopf.2. Brown, Larry W. 1997. Mammals of Florida. Miami, Florida Windward Publishing.3. Land, Darrell, and Sharon K. Taylor. 1998. Florida Panther Genetic Restoration and Management. Florida Game and Fresh Water angle Commission.4. Taylor, Sharon K. 1997. Florida Panther Biomedical Investigations. Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Role of Inspector Goole in in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly E

The Role of Inspector Goole in An Inspector CallsExamine the role of Inspector Goole in An Inspector Calls & studythe impact his role has on the succor of the contributions in the athletics.Inspector Goole is the most important character in the play AnInspector Calls because he is the catalyst for the events that takeplace in the play. Priestleys intensions were to shop to hisaudience the social state of England in 1945. He felt that little hadchanged since the turn of the century. Preistley was a socialist andhe very strongly believed that everyone should be equal. In this playPreistley shows to the audience that at this time it was Socialist vsCapitalist, and that everyone was separated in to social classes.These were working class, middle class and upper class. In the play there is a character to fit into each one of these classesDaisy Renton / Eva Smith Lower classMr Birling, Eric and Sheila Middle ClassMrs Birling and Eric Upper classIn the play I think that Inspector Goo le is Priestleys socialconscience. The play was written after World War 1 but was actuallyset at the turn of the century (in 1912). Mr Birling thinks that heknows everything but infact what he says is a load of rubbish, suchasThe Titanic....unsikable,absolutely unsinkablewhere it sunk on its offset printing journey. He also says there is no chance ofa war happeining, but a few years later he is again proved wrong. MrBirling is a very shallow man.The physical description of Inspector Goole is very unique and revealsa lot about his character. The Inspector creates an impression of ponderosity and this would be intimidating for the family. Priestlydescribes him as having solidity and ... ...spector,some more obvious than others. For example the way in which he talksto the family, the family dont expect to be treated deal this so theypanic and reveal to having conections with Eva or Daisy. His namecould also tell us that he is an imposter as its sound like ghoulwhich is a ghost, in others words non existant. He has a very bigeffect on the family. Birling saysstill, I cant accept any he is scared of having his reputation disrupted, he would ratherhave his family take the blame. This shows he is a very selfish man.So I believe that Preistly shows his veiws through the characterinspector Goole, he is valuable in the play because he author explainhow he feels. He shows us about morality and morals. There has a goodvarity of characters in the play and the way the play slowlyprogresses is very good.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dizziness - The Search for Balance :: Biology Essays Research Papers

On the Search for Balance A Balancing Act in the middle of DizzinessImagine that you are 6 years old again. You are at a playground clutching a pole on the merry-go-round, which is whirling as fast as your friends can run to keep the merry-go-round going. Your friends let go and when you jump off as the merry-go-round stops spinning, you fall because the area seems to wobble out of control. Although you have stopped spinning on the merry-go-round, your brain tells you otherwise. This is the everyday reality for a chronically dizzy person. Following headaches and lower-back pain, vertigo is the leash most common medical complaint in the United States. More than 90 million people in the United States will experience a spell of dizziness at some point in their lives (1). Dizziness is a sensation people feel when they lose their sense of spatial orientation. In other words, people feel dizzy when they lose some of their immediate contact with their physical surroundings. A simple dis oriented feeling may occur, or one may experience a feeling of movement or of being off balance (2). In most cases, dizziness arises naturally from curious changes that disrupt the normal feeling of stability. However, a disturbance or a disease in the system that maintains balance can also cause dizziness (3). What could be the cause of this internal lack of balance? Although many forms of dizziness exist, such as Menieres disease, I am going to focus on what keeps us balanced. The issue of balance first interested me when my mother had gone to see an acupuncturist concerning her high blood pressure. Not only did she come in hopes of finding a cure for her high blood pressure, she also found that she suffers from balance problems. The Chinese guru of an acupuncturist said, Your whole body is out of balance. Fire blazes within you without equilibrium. You should take a vacation. Apparently, correlation exists between blood pressure and physical balance. Immediately, I became worri ed and confused. I have been searching for the cause of my mothers problems for some time now. Why is it that she never make up noticed that the world was out of balance in her perspective? She always subtly mentioned the feeling of dizziness and the constant coldness of her right shoulder. But I never realized how serious her situation was. I now know that these symptoms are due to an imbalance.